APPENDIX J Renouncing Freemasonry

From Free Resources

I renounce the teaching of Freemasonry which:
1. Says its deity, the “Great Architect of the Universe,” can be worshipped by all men, whether they be Buddhists, Christians, Muslims or Hindus, without controversy. 
2. Refuses to acknowledge the unique Godhood of Jesus Christ or that He died for our sins and rose from the dead. 
3. Denies the unique and inerrant character of the Holy Bible as the Word of God by saying that it is no different than any other holy book. 
4. Declares that man can be saved by his own labors without faith in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. 
5. Blasphemes the name of God by associating it with pagan fertility gods such as Baal. 
6. Requires that men swear oaths on a Bible in the name of God involving mutilation and murder of human beings. 
7. Links its members in solemn, spiritual bondage to one another, irrespective of members’ religious beliefs. 
8.Insists on keeping its supposedly valuable truths bound under the most serious of secret oaths and available only to a very few. 
9. Demands that its members call its leaders titles like “Worshipful Master,” and kneel before them. 
I announce and accept the Truth from Scripture that: 
1. Only through Jesus Christ can God be worshipped (John 14:6; I Tim 2:5; I John 2:22-23). 
2. Jesus Christ is truly God Almighty who came in the flesh, died for our sins and rose from the dead (John 1:1-4; Col. 2:9. I Cor. 15:4). 
3. All Scripture and only Scripture (the Bible) is inspired by God (2 Tim 3:16). 
4. A person can be saved only by grace, through faith in Christ (Rom. 10:9; Eph. 2:8-9). 
5. Affirms the absolute holiness, separateness and majesty of God’s name (Ex. 20:2-7; Deut. 6:4-7; Psalm 8:1, 29:2). 
6. Forbids taking of oaths, taking God’s name in vain and committing murder (Matt. 5:34-37; James 5:12; Ex 20:7,13). 
7. Forbids me from being unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Cor 6:14-17; Rev 18:1-4).
8. Does not allow for such secrecy (Matt. 10:26- 27; John 18:20; Act 26:26). 
9. Commands me to call no one master save Jesus and to worship none save God (Matt. 6:24; 23:8 -10; Acts 10:25-26; Rev 22:8-9). 

Therefore, I __________________________, as a humble servant of Jesus Christ take a firm stand against the cult of Freemasonry. In the name and by the authority of my Lord Jesus Christ, I break and renounce all vows, oaths, covenants, assignments and curses that I have made or that others have made for me and my family. I here and now choose to love and serve the Living God alone (1 Kings 18:21).

For more a more comprehensive understanding and prayer for breakthrough, see the Prayer of Release from Freemasons and their Descendants” in The Lie Effect: Overcoming Soul Abduction by Collene James and Nancy Bowser, page 317.